- The Wish-Granting Fish: Todd and Billy Watson, poor fishermen, lived in a shabby hut on a crater that once saw the dinosaurs’ demise. Despite poverty, they owned their land. One night, Billy dreams of catching a magical fish that grants wishes. He wishes for unlimited wishes, but the fish, realizing Billy’s greed, sacrifices itself, prompting Billy’s awakening to find their land sold for millions.
- Doomsday: A sunny morning turns sinister as a lone scientist discovers equations spelling doom. An explosion ravages Earth, causing devastation and extinction. In the aftermath, the scientist finds rebirth, starting anew with erased memories.
- Life and Continuity: Life’s proud belief in Continuity persists despite repeated challenges, from the age of dinosaurs to modern times. However, when humanity’s energy consumption triggers catastrophic climate change, the universe delivers a harsh lesson.